LOLZ we are totally in San Francisco!
The Embarcadero

Interesting statue...thing.

....and perched entirely on one side was a bunch of birds!

Kid on a statue. Reminds me of myself in my youth, crawling over monuments in Paris. (No really.)

Bridge of some sort! (Bay Bridge?)

Some legendary pier thing. Pier 39? Pier 42? Can't remember.

I likes me the patterns.

Patterns and blimps.

Patterns, blimps, and tourists.

View one of a neat archway-type sculpture on a lawn thing somewhere.

View two (and the more dynamic I think) of the same sculpture.
Fisherman’s Wharf

A sort of Scottish highlands type rock band, complete with cute little kilts.

But this woman was watching them with her hands over her ears? Wtf?

They played in front of a big crab! I love crabs!

A bunch of seals on floating wooden...seal floats.

Not Dave Eggers's shop.

The locals on the lawn in front of....

Ghirardelli Square! (Yum.)
Ghirardelli Square

Sundaes eaten at the "world famous" ice cream shop. If it's so world famous, how come I hadn't ever heard of it? I live in the state for goshsakes.

The "Strike it Rich."

Me and my pirate sweatshirt had the Very Berry something Sundae. (Why are they all called "very berry?" Can someone please be creative with the word "berry?")

Me throwing dirty looks at the stupid people sitting around us that kept knocking into me, like the lady in pink behind me and this guy...

...with really really dumb sideburns! They look so dumb!

BUT. That metal thing...makes WAFFLE CONES. Oh man. I want to have the job of making waffle cones and waffle straws and waffle...anything else.

A clandestine photo taken of me in a lobster hat. We weren't allowed to take pictures of the hats in the store, so...Tim went outside, I stayed in.

Da Bay.

A mill. Of some sort. A chocolate mill perhaps?
And just outside the square…

Pimp juice?

Somewhere on that car is a lewd bumper sticker that pertains to breast exams.
Then we walked down Columbus St. which seems to cross through most of Little Italy and skims the corner of Chinatown.


I like the way SF looks.

A cathedral of some sort...I think it's either Benedictine or Gregorian, something really interesting. I once saw a padre coming out of it wearing long flowy black robes...so what does that make him?

Oh man, brightest blue shoes ever.

The skeevy part of SF. Reminds me a little of Montmartre...only less French.

And not far from City Lights!

And not far from this shop. It was kind of cool.

There was this candle stand that I liked, I like dripping wax.
There was a guy at the front desk but he didn’t seem to notice us come in, so I continued to take my photos, quietly and sneakily.

And of course, skulls. (Used of course.)

Used by whom?

Couldn't say.

And there were ALL these random statues that had pennies on them, as donation? Or something?

Full view, more pennies.

Something slightly Buddhist maybe? With another dumb penny on it.

This I liked.

And there was this huge...square thing, a block of kitschy artwork mixed with probably actual interesting artwork, so it just looked silly, like this kabuki type mask with a Christmas light.

And a little kama sutra party.
At this point, the front desk guy woke up, and we just got out of there and continued down Columbus.

Francis Ford Coppola's restaurant. Beautiful building. (And a little of the Transamerica Pyramid.)

I really liked the building.
Ballad of the progression of the Transamerica Building

From afar...

A teeny bit closer...

A little closer...


On it.
So yeah, that was a lot of fun.