Friday, September 07, 2007

September 7

Unfortunately, those crystals are not salt, they are sugar. And I am really not a fan of salt, and I am really a fan of sugar, and let me tell you, edamame is better with salt than sugar. That much better.

Yes, I arranged this myself.

I really love raw fish.

I found this on the floor and then put it in a dish that people eat out of. Wretched.

Then Samantha and I walked past a house that was being demolished. Here is the bathroom, which was still standing.

The doorway was the only other thing standing. Everything else had been flattened by a teeny tiny bulldozer.

Turns out, the demolition company was right across the street. Convenient, eh?

I love how the screens are still on the windows, and the meter is still attached to the wall. It makes it seem like these people just jumped and tore the house down, spontaneously.

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