Friday, April 28, 2006

Twin Peaks, San Francisco

That huge gash down the middle of SF is Market Street.

I want this fence in front of my house.

This actually turned out way more cool than I thought it would.

Twin Peaks is all stairs. Really. No hiking involved.

See? (And poppies.)

For good measure.

Facing the less popular peak.

A ladybug on the less popular peak. I actually liked the less popular one better.

Interesting rock formations...

San Francisco is pretty compartmentalized.

It's a pretty geometric city.

The bus driver that took us up was VERY chatty. He started all the conversations.

That big cross strikes me as very Romeo + Juliet.

Oh, hills. Bad place for trucks, good place for humor.


Ghone said...

Not 'the' Twin Peaks?
I thought that was up near Canada!

Meo said...

The Twin Peaks where the show was supposed to take place is up in Washington, yes. San Francisco has one too, though.

There's a Twin Peaks festival every year in Seattle which I've always wanted to attend, but it's never practical to go, the time is never convenient.