At the Cheeseboard. Oh, so good.

Sunsets are amazing. This was from last week.

I have had at least four assignments where I've had to shoot in this here "golden hour," Actually, the light is like this rarely for a whole hour, more like 20 minutes, max. Also, if you're lucky, it's the "red-gold hour." I was lucky.

From the Stern balcony. The only thing that dorm is good for.


Isn't it great that we have the Campanile to classy-up any landscape shot?

This one has the Bay Bridge in it. Look hard.
Love the cheap cheese!
Love the views of Berkeley also.
Glad you've reenabled comments.
Thanks guys! I appreciate the feedback. And yeah, I re-enabled the comments, I had a mystery anonymous harrasser, but I think he's gone now. So here we are.
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