On this day, my grandmother threw a giant(ish) party for her cousin, Shabtai, who lives in Israel, but who was visiting the US for the first time in 20 years. I don't think I'd met him before, but he swears he remembers my brother and my cousin Allison who are the same age.

He was taking pictures. I was taking pictures. It was a trip.

I drove Aunt Ruth and Uncle Milton to the party and back, which meant that I arrived and left nearly an hour before the rest of my family did. Milton asked me the same questions he always does, because he can't remember, and Ruth was so impressed by the way I drove. I think it's because we didn't hit traffic and I don't speed.

My uncle Eric is telling Ruth that with diabetes she CAN eat things besides lettuce, and that all she has to do is count grams of carbohydrates. Ruth was pleased to hear this, but she'll probably turn around and say that because of her "sugar diabetes" she can't eat anything, so she won't cook and eat anymore.

My dad and my brother just hang out.

My mother, my dad's cousin Rob and my great-aunt Bertha are listening to Shabtai talk about Israel and the rest of the Middle East. I didn't really want to get into that conversation, and I didn't want anyone to ask me what I thought about it because I don't like talking about it.

Allison and Brooke are my second cousins. They live in Redondo Beach and are altogether "cooler" than my brother and I are, probably. Allison wants to be a casting agent and Brooke is interested in fashion. They are also very pretty and popular and are really funny with their grandparents:

I call this: Family Portrait with Condiments.

Brooke, her mother Sheila (Rob's wife), and my purse on the green couch that I always fall asleep on at my grandmother's house.

It's not even the most comfortable couch either, there's just something about it that is so relaxing.

The Siblings: my grandmother Florence, Bertha, and Milton, in order of age. They're so cute.