Old fashioned games in the other part of the festival.

Samantha and I eat corn dogs. What's a festival without a corn dog?

We did not eat there, but that's quite a name for a stand.

This was pretty bizarre. This woman was reading on her own chair in the concert area with paper in her ears, and sitting completely separately from the man she apparently came with. Why bother going at all if you're going to try and block out the whole festival?

The live band started playing "Sweet Home Alabama," and these big Hawaiian guys started dancing with the little Asian ladies. It was sweet.

Pretty nifty kid's slide, though I would have been scared, just like this little girl who crept down with her feet instead of sliding. That would have been me if I were younger.

It didn't go very high.

Of course, Hawaiian hula dancers. They were very good, and apparently all very scholastically achieved.

SHAVED ICE!! Mmmmm. Passion orange and watermelon flavored syrup...

This was cute. The kid was bored though and kept trying to wake up his dad.

These boys in the spinning centrifuge roller coaster were rocking side to side with their arms around each other, in time to the oldies music playing. I thought it was pretty funny.

And, for good measure, Zadie licking her chops.
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