This was my view. That sliver of podium you see there is where all the speakers stood, none of whom I could really ever see. But that's okay. I like to pretend sometimes that I'm in old-timey America and all there is is the radio with late-night broadcasts of the news, Fireside Chats with FDR, and caped avenger capers. Or maybe I'm just romanticizing the fact that the seats weren't very good. But it really is okay.

The graduates file in. Because it's effin SANTA CRUZ, there are a bunch of people who opted not to wear caps and gowns, or who only wore some of the cap-gown-tassel ensemble, and instead wore normal clothes, weird clothes, or caps-gowns-tassels of different colors, cuts, and styles from the ones probably offered at the student store. Effin Santa Cruz.

Perfect example of that: red gown, blue aviator's hat or whatever that is. I wonder where he got that.

One girl among them tacked a banana slug to her mortarboard. I thought that was cute. If my mascot was as interesting as a banana slug, I might be as obsessed with it as so many Santa Cruzians are. Bears are kinda boring. (I mean- go bears! Whatever.)

Bryan walks up to receive the "diploma." He was easy to spot because of his proximity to the pink-mohawk girl.

Crappy photo, but the only one that exists of Bryan actually accepting the "diploma." His family all wants me to send them this photo. Must get on that.


These people are brothers. I think they're all going for something different here. And possibly all looking at different cameras.

For no reason, I thought I'd toss in a photo of the Santa Cruz Crazy Pink Guy. He's always downtown, walking super slow and ignoring everyone.
1 comment:
at the Sunday afternoon UCSC graduation, all the people receiving degrees were wearing the standard black cap-gown-tassle ensemble. the only exception was some girl who had a few circuitboards and her name in big red letters attached to springs tacked to her mortarboard. the professors handing out degrees and hooding people were dressed in the colors of the schools they graduated from (Carnegie-Mellon has some green plaid in their coloer scheme).
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