They are doing the mirror image thing, but they both kinda sucked at it, so oh well.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

This is the closest I have ever gotten to making this photo work for me.

I kinda like this one. My photography skills have plummeted.

I should do a study of what percentage of my photos are of birds. I'll bet it's significant.

Samantha is on the phone with her landlady. I was probably contemplating whether sunglasses on glasses makes me 6-eyes, or if it's exponential because there are reflections of reflections in the secondary pair.


I was hoping we'd be on this one.

We were on this one. Could be worse.

Reminds me of Donkey Kong Country.

The Australian current thingy. The video screen nonsense was kinda lame.

Best part of the new Nemo ride: definitely the bubbles.

We totally defeated Zurg.

This is a really good idea.

Canoooooooooooes!!! Plus more birds. Canoes are totally, totally my favorite thing at Disneyland now.

So by some freak occurrence, even though it was a Friday, Disneyland was sooo empty. There was hardly any wait on anything (except the new submarine ride). It felt really weird. But good.


I am rather proud of this photo, actually.

The pretzel-peddler said it was the first time he'd seen anyone take a picture of his pretzels.

Samantha drinks her fancy acupuncture tea.

Not so tasty.

This is what we do.

Gryffindor! Ravenclaw! Dumbledore!

Tinkerbell wig. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

She was tempted. Very.

I, however, realize full well that I look absurd.

I had seen this hat hours previously, and only just realized that my head fit into the toddler-sized cap. Yes, that is size toddler. No, they don't make it for adults. Yes, I bought it.

I was, however, tempted by this one.

You just might be able to see me reflected in that mirror. Oh, no, that's Samantha.

I wish that were sharp. Sigh.

Job well done.
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