So Melissa and I are chilling at her home, talking about whatever people talk about, when she notices a sound that I had not been giving any thought to, because it sounded like sprinklers going off. She informed me, though, that they did not have sprinklers on her street. She looks out the window and gasps, and we go outside.

Water gushing down the street!

Water is seeping up through the cracks in the asphalt.

A LOT of water.

This side of the street had more gushing than the other side.

First time I used flash in a long time. It served its purposes here.


And around the bend.

It was a truly astonishing amount of water.

Water that was not only coming around the bend, but pouring down the side of the hill.

And then there was the open pipe that was making the most noise and expelling the most water.

Massive amounts of water.

Onto the main street even!

All this from a burst water main.

It ended up getting fixed the next day.

But not before thoroughly soaking the neighborhood.

Worm's eye view, courtesy of Melissa.