So apparently there wasn't room for everyone in this limo. I still haven't ever ridden in a limo.
La Chapelle:

The seedy backside.

The glammy front.

Decorated with cherubs holding hamburgers.

It's one of those drive-through type dealies. Apparently it's the chapel that Britney Spears got married in.

Another view of the drive-through window and a styrofoam cake mold.

The chapel we weren't in...

Another view of the much less classy chapel that we were not in...

The chapel we WERE in.
The Pre-ceremony:

The male half of the wedding party chatting it up with the awesomest minister EVER.

Monkeying around before the actual ceremony. We bought that champagne cold...yeah, it didn't stay as such.

We were so hot and dehydrated that that is the most delicious thing I've ever had.
The Ceremony:

The groom waiting with bated breath.

The couple.

The preamble.

Then the awesome gentleman of a minister beckoned me to stand NEXT to him to take the rest of the wedding photos.

Recieving the spiel.

The bridesmaids. Can you tell which one was the pleasant one and which one wasn't? (Hint: it's the opposite from how it seems here.)

Aw, Jenny.

He gives her the ring...

She gives him the ring speech...

The Post-ceremony:


The post-wedding tiredness party.

Jenny is so dapper.

We's all so happy.
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