Grand Central Station. Once used for above ground trains, now a really big underground train station. It's still all decked out and fancy like it used to be, but it's so utilitarian that I don't think most people really look at it that much. I mean, people that actually live in NY.

Like this chandelier! It's realyl pretty, I think. And I like the reflection. Windows are fun.

The grand hall room thingy. It's pretty grand.

Details of the ticket windows that are no longer in use.

Wow, I didn't realize I had so many photos of Grand Central. It is quite grand though.

The first glimpse of the Empire State Building we had, though it wouldn't be the last.

Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimes Squaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare.

I think this is funny, because there's a huge Cup O Noodles. You wouldn't think to see that particular product advertised in Times Square. I also like the "steam" on top. It's neat.

More Times Square. Otherwise, it's not that interesting.

So Charlotte took us to this CRAZY place, this Indian restaurant with all of these lights hanging from the ceiling and Indian music blasting, and when it was anyone's birthday, they turned off ALL of these lights and blasted a different song with the refrain of "happy birthday to you" and this weird disco ball thing went off and all the waiters danced with the birthday people, but the whole place was about the size of a hallway. It was great.

I color-corrected these ones to show all the crap that's hanging on the walls and in the lights. Chili lights, butterfly lights, blow-up pool toys, Christmas lights, holographic wallpaper, the works.

Another view.

Our benevolent host, Charlotte. She actually looks more normal than this.

Bryan looking surprised but is probably posing.
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