Tiny tupperware. Tiny. TINY.

There was not a word of English on this package, so I can only guess at its use. I think it's a patch you put on the bottom of your foot that makes your feet smell like pine trees. Maybe?

This was one of many kitchen timers that was shaped like a kitchen implement, and this one is my favorite. And it's useful! I would like one such timer, only I have no place of my own. When I move, I will have this in my kitchen. I think I will have a funny apartment.

I have no idea. It's a kitchen tool. Of some sort.

Maybe when you make your own fabulous shade when mixing food coloring, you want to keep it somewhere that will be uncontaminated by any other substance, yet you want to conserve space.

Genius! (Though it's not really self-shining, unless you're accustomed to spit shining your shoes. Rubbing shoe polish on your shoe is shining it yourself... with shoe polish.)

Among the authentic crockery (muggery?), there is a selection of fine Disney mugs to choose from. Hmm.

These were hanging all over the ceiling. They are so cute!

Seriously, they have everything.

Comfort chopsticks. You hook your pinky in that loop.

Ah, Engrish.

This little crepe stand (i.e. closet with burners) scares me. This is why:

That sign is intimidating as hell. Who'd want to work there?!?!

The crepes are really good though.
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