My barbecue is notoriously difficult to light. At its height, there were no less than six people attempting to ignite it, myself included.

Look at those dour faces. We were dreaming of lovely grilled food, and the charcoal was not catching.

See? The disappointment is crushing.

Well, some people are more optimistic than others.

It's picking up. (Also, here night falls like a ton of bricks.)

Samantha chops wood. With my dad's hatchet. This makes her happy.

Rosana takes matters into her own hands, and this is the result of a giant squirt of lighter fluid. This, plus the firewood and newspaper, worked.

The stuff in foil is potatoes. There were tasty!

The spread. THIS is what summer is to me. I suppose I can do this any time of year, but it tastes better in the summer.

Tim and Marie arrive, bringing with them

We are happier with food on the grill.

Marie has a new haircut.

Sean the Rocket Man. Brain the size of a planet, contemplating the flames.

Alec arrives to partake in the festivities.

I always think this is a photo of Tal playing the banjo.

Marie took this photo. Your faithful narrator deserves a spot of embarrassment every now and again. They can't ALL be flattering photos. But I like this one because I LOVE CORN!!

Crappy photo, but HAHAHA.

Oh yeah, we forgot about the chicken.

Bryan paints the chicken with barbecue sauce. What a great invention, barbecue sauce.

More wood chopping for some MARSHMALLOWS!
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